New Umpires

All the information New Umpires require can be found on this page!

Getting Started

Thank you for expressing interest in umpiring for The Gap Netball Club. Umpiring is a great way to continue developing your understanding of the game. It increases your confidence and is an opportunity to make new friends in the club. New umpires must be at least 13 years old. They require a white shirt which you can purchase from the Gilbert link on this website. They also require a metal finger whistle to umpire with. To keep track of who’s center pass is it umpires should always have a hair tie or scrunchie on them whilst umpiring.

Undertaking at least one grading session is a mandatory requirement for all umpires who wish to umpire during the 2024 season. This is an unpaid requirement as it allows the umpire convenor to assess which umpires are appropriate to umpire each age group and divisions. Grading is also a time to allow new umpires mentoring and training before taking the court for fixtures and allows the umpire convenor to assess which umpires are ready to work towards the next level of badging. New umpires also must attend one 'Beginner Umpire Course' through DPNA before the start of the season. There is no fee for the umpire beginner course as all confirmed sessions are billed through The Gap Netball Club. 

Before taking the court to umpire all new umpires must complete an online examination and receive a 70% score or above. All netball courses on Netball Learning. Here is the link to the Rules of Netball Examination:      

Please email to once completed.

All new umpires will have a mentor present for majority of their first three games at Downey Park Netball Association.

The Umpire Rule Book:

This link is a PowerPoint made by Netball Queensland. I encourage all umpires to read through this PowerPoint before completing the QLD Beginner Umpire Workshop:

Umpire wages:





Junior Association


National C Badge



Preseason Umpiring Opportunities

Over the last few years, the number of preseason events has increased and therefore these have now become paid at the hourly/per game rate for the appropriate level of badging achieved. The preseason events include the NSG fun day, DPNA 10/11years grading day and any further club events like an Inters/Opens Round Robin which allow the club to grade teams appropriately. New and inexperienced umpires are targeted for these days to allow for additional mentoring prior to fixtures therefore mentoring is provided. Where older players are involved the more experienced C Badged umpires are targeted for these events.

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