
Where we Train and Play

The Gap Netball Club teams play at Downey Park Netball Association courts on Saturday mornings from March to September and games are usually not scheduled during school holidays. 

We train at Hilder Rd State School, entry via the bottom school gates opposite Wittonga Park. 

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Our Strategic Plan

In order to keep the club focussed on its goals, both short and long term, and ensure transparency with our members the Management Committee worked hard in 2022 to develop The Gap Netball Club 2023-2025 Strategic Plan.  

The plan has been endorsed by the Committee in January 2023 and outlines the club's vision, goals and key performance indicators which will help the club to measure success. This plan is aligned with the values of Netball Queensland's and Netball Australia's vision.

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History of the Club

The Gap Netball Club origins came from a group to local people that created The Gap Pastime Club back in 1955 and was aimed at covering as many sports as people were interested in. The Gap, at the time, was a very rural suburb of Brisbane and there was still a small country town atmosphere.

In 1959 land was secured at Walton Bridge and The Gap Pastime Club was granted the lease and over the years many sports have been played on this land.

Netball trained on the number three field at Walton Bridge, each training session they lifted goal posts into place. As the numbers grew netball, practiced was moved over the creek to Payne Road park and then moved in mid 1980’s to our current site of Hilder Road State School. 

The club commenced playing in the Downey Park (DPNA) competition in 1973. The club’s colours of gold and purple come from the suburb name (GAP – Gold and Purple). Originally, ladies wore purple three pleat tunics with gold coloured shirts and a gold braided waist tie. The club was actually known as The Gap Hornets and badge on their uniforms was gold background with a purple and gold hornet.

The Club still plays in the Downey Park Netball Association competition on Saturday’s and continues to train at the Hilder Road.  

We are committed to increasing recognition and appreciation of Netball as a sport and to encourage The Gap and surrounding communities to be proud and supportive of their local sporting netball team.  Each year many Gap players are selected to represent DPNA or QC Netball Associations with many more involved in their Player Development Programs. Netball is a healthy, team sport which fosters success and personal achievement. It’s about having fun, fostering teamwork and forging friendships.

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Netball is the most popular team sport in Australia and The Gap Netball Club is the biggest in Queensland.

The Gap has teams for all abilities and ages from 8s to Opens playing in the Downey Park Netball Association (DPNA) winter season and also in the Queensland Catholic Netball Association (QCNA) summer seasons.

Teams train on weekday afternoons and evenings at Hilder Road State School at The Gap and play at Downey Park at Windsor on Saturdays from March to August.

The Club's Sign-On commences from the first Saturday after term 1 starts each year and competitive teams (11s and above) are graded during the weeks after Sign-On Day, and NetSetGO 8-10s teams are allocated.

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