Self-Select Teams Policy

The Gap Netball Club supports self select teams for Opens however the following policy and guidelines are applied.

Self-Select - 2025


The arrangements for self-select teams have changed and are now as follows after being endorsed by the Executive Committee in 2024:

1.    Team nomination must be provided to the Registrar and Grading Convenor by registration close (midnight 15 February 2025). 

2.    Players wanting to select this option must be turning 19 in 2025 (born 2006) and earlier.

3.    For players of an ability Division 4 or lower. Players who have been selected at the representative and GBNL level are ineligible to play in self-select opens teams and must be graded according to their appropriate age group.  

4.    Teams are required to nominate a Manager and Coach at time of registration and the Team Manager should advise of same via 

5.    Minimum of 9 players required to register in a self-selected team and a maximum of 12. 

6.    Teams are not required at the club grading day but must attend a mandatory grading session/round robin once teams have been announced, for DPNA grading purposes. 

7.    The TGNC Executive has the right to decline/refuse a nomination if this criterion is not adhered to.

If you have any questions, please contact the Registrar - 

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